Dog vs World

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An offshoot of Moving, Pt. 1.

Took a page out of Marie Kondo’s book while sorting out my stuffed animals. We’ve all heard of her “spark joy” comment. If something doesn’t spark joy, get rid of it. Great logic! Why keep something around if you don’t like it? But then big sappy romantics like me run into trouble. Everything I own sparks some type of joy in me! That’s why I own it, why I hoard things, because how could I get rid of something that means so much to me?

But that’s where it gets more complex. Rather than simply throwing things out, she tells us to thank each item for serving it’s purpose. So that’s what we’re doing here. I don’t think I can do all of them without bursting into tears again. Emotionally, I’m feeling a little fragile. But it would be very remiss of me to not give you the the highlights.

Thank you for participating!